
Data Quality & Observability

Detect anomalies anywhere in your data, in real time


Get to the root cause and resolve issues quickly

Data Catalog

Discover any data assets and understand how they are used

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OfferFit take their ML models to the next level with Validio

Read the case study

The Data Trust Platform

One platform for data quality, observability, catalog & lineage


Faster anomaly detection

Stay on top of your key business metrics with real-time monitoring of all upstream data.


Records per minute

Scale data quality monitoring of increasing data volumes without compromising performance.


Quicker issue resolution

Reduce data downtime and boost productivity and operational efficiency.

Data Quality & Observability

Don’t let any incident go unnoticed

Leverage machine learning to detect anomalies hidden in smaller segments of your data.

Segmented anomaly detection

Our anomaly detection finds granular issues by scanning your actual data, allowing machine-learning based thresholds for every segment.

Self-learning models

Our algorithms adapt to your data patterns, updating from historical data and finding new anomalies, ensuring monitoring always meets your needs.

Avoid alert fatigue

Validio filters out false alarms, letting you focus on important alerts. Stay informed without the overwhelm.


Understand the whole story of your incidents

Validio combines Lineage, Data Quality Monitoring, and Catalog for a complete view of your incidents.

Field-level lineage

Get a map of your entire data journey, with the ability to zoom in on every twist and turn for quicker identification of issue origin.

Solve issues faster

We overlay data quality monitoring directly in your lineage map and highlight the origin, severity, and impact of issues. Root cause analysis has never been easier.

dbt integrated

Sync your data tools easily by importing lineage from dbt. Validio alerts you about slow dbt jobs and provides details on tests and model runs.


Discover and understand your data

Get an overview of your data, understand how it’s used, and manage ownership.

Data asset insights

Obtain key insights on your data assets including popularity, utilization rate, quality, and schema coverage.

Data ownership & collaboration

Boost teamwork and data trust by promoting data governance and providing a central platform for effective collaboration across the organization.

Search bar & metadata control

Find and filter the data you need based on metadata tags and descriptions.

Take an interactive tour of the platform

“With Validio, we can process 100s of millions of records a minute. For a company of our scale that’s hugely valuable—the sooner we know there’s an issue with our data, the better.”

Brian Fallik

VP of Engineering

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Fully integrated with every tool in your modern data stack

Validio integrates with every tool and service you could use in a modern data stack. And if in some incredible instance you have a tool we don’t work with - just ask and we’ll build it for you.

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Built for your needs

Multiple interfaces

Built for collaboration

Align data- and business teams with interfaces for all stakeholders.

Effortless configuration

Easy set up, zero maintainance

Get instant value from your data and stop wasting time on tool maintenance.

Security & compliance

Scalable security

Stay on top of security and compliance with enterprise grade standards.

Getting started with Validio in 60 seconds

Watch this set-up video of how to connect Validio to your BigQuery data.

Sleep better at night

knowing your data is right

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