If data is your product, quality is your brand

Sh*t In. Disaster out.
As an AI & Data consultant for some of the leading blue chip companies in the world, our CEO Patrik Liu Tran, saw time and time again that no matter how strong the commitment, very rarely did AI get pushed into production. And every time it failed it was for the same reason:
Bad Data.
While everyone is focused on building the next great AI model, Patrik realized that without full trust in the data that goes into those models it’s all worthless. And so Validio was born.
Built to be the command center for your modern data stack, Validio has assembled some of the brightest minds in AI and Machine Learning to create the ultimate end to end solution to provide you with full trust in your data quality.
Founded in 2019
Stockholm, Sweden
Backed by
J12 Ventures
We’re a group of ambitious builders with a passion for elegant and simple solutions to complex problems.
Our team and active investors have decades of combined experience from leading startups, global tech companies, and research institutions.

Management team

Patrik Liu Tran
CEO & Co-founder

Adrian Strömberg
Head of Finance

Sophia Granfors
Head of Marketing

Rebecka Hogevall
Head of People & Culture

David Li
Sales Director

Richard Wang
Chief Operating Officer

Christopher Alfred Brown
Head of Product & Engineering
Visit our career page to see open positions
Our values
Who we are

We believe that people who are passionate about what they do inherently display a higher level of dedication, commitment, and energy towards it. At Validio, we welcome top talent who are passionate about their areas of expertise and actively want to contribute to Validio’s mission. This makes it easier to exceed "lagom" and achieve groundbreaking results.

We always seek to have a growth mindset, where we are curious and learn as individuals and as a team. We actively challenge ourselves to improve, grow, and innovate within our area of expertise and beyond.

To win, we believe that determination is necessary. This means that we have the resilience to push and follow through. We have grit and do what it takes to make things happen, and most importantly we don’t give up.

Being humble at Validio means that we are without prestige and down to earth. We have a team-first mindset and leave our egos at the door. No maer how much we think that we know, we can always learn something from others. We respect each other, our customers and our competitors as we all are innovating in the same space.
Join the top data-led companies
trusting Validio to keep their data 100% reliable, all of the time
Contact us
Linnégatan 78
115 23 Stockholm